University of Nebraska at Omaha Collegiate Recovery Community (CRC)
Established in 2014, the Collegiate Recovery Community (CRC) at UNO is a common and safe space for all students in recovery from addiction, students seeking recovery, and recovery allies to build relationships, socialize, and achieve academic success. Through this unique space, various supports, and outreach, the UNO CRC is cultivating a culture of recovery throughout the UNO campus, greater Omaha community, and the state of Nebraska. All metro area college students are welcomed and invited to be part of the CRC.
For more information on referring a college student to the CRC, recovery ally trainings, or expanding recovery support on your campus, please provide your email address and a member from the CRC will be in touch.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Collegiate Recovery Community (CRC)
University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Collegiate Recovery Community (CRC) is a gathering place for students in recovery from substance use. We have weekly meetings, host guest speakers, and hold social events highlighting sobriety and well-being. Studies show students involved with a CRC have higher grades and achieve better outcomes in university life. Nebraska students in recovery and allies strive to support each other and create a fun, welcoming atmosphere which fosters self-improvement and well-being. Many of our meetings and events are held in Room 127 of the University Health Center. The CRC members also gather for Friday night dinners at Cather Dining to foster camaraderie and friendship. If you’re a Husker in recovery or seeking recovery, we’d like to connect you with peers. Send as an email at to connect or ask questions. Your contact information will be kept private, and someone from the CRC will respond to you quickly.