Exemplary Member Institution Recognition Program
Recognizing excellence in reducing and preventing high-risk drinking and substance use among Nebraska college students.
Encourage schools to engage in ongoing learning, stay up to date on the latest issues facing students, and continually improve prevention programming on campus.
Recognize schools that demonstrate prevention programming that other member institutions can replicate on their campuses.
Reward schools that achieve excellence in the implementation of evidence-based prevention strategies, and successfully create an outstanding campus environment for students and the surrounding community.
Principles and Goals
Our aim is to establish a meaningful quality standard for NECPA member institutions. Levels of recognition are designed with the following standards in mind:
- Program staff participate in ongoing professional development.
- Effort is made to include key stakeholders and administrators in program planning and implementation.
- Training opportunities promote strong relationships and positive outcomes through connections with faculty, staff, and peer educators.
- Resources, approaches, and strategies cover all social-ecological levels and reinforce interconnections.
- Demonstrated commitment to collect meaningful data, analyze the results, and implement quality prevention efforts that are informed by data obtained at the institutional and state level.
- Prevention strategies are tailored to the community and cultural norms of the campus and are sensitive to the needs of the campus and community.
- Education, policy, and enforcement strategies cover a range of key prevention topics, with consistency across areas such as content, design, and approach.
- Ongoing evaluation is implemented to maintain the positive impact of prevention efforts.
Levels of Achievement
The first phase Exemplary Member Program will run from January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2025. After the pilot phase, the program will run every two years to align with the NACHB survey cycle.

- Designate an institutional representative or team of representatives to engage with NECPA
- Implement Evidence-Based Prevention Strategies on campus.

Participate in at least one NECPA Program:
- Year One College Behavior Profile
- College Behavior Profile
- Nebraska Assessment of College Health Behaviors (Biennial Survey)

Participate in at least two NECPA-sponsored activities:
- Member institution representatives attend training/networking opportunities offered by NECPA (Conferences, workshops, Annual Statewide Convening, etc.)
- Offer NECPA-sponsored training to staff and student leaders (Brief Motivational Interviewing, Generation Rx, Bystander Intervention, etc.)
- Incorporate the Power of Parenting information into first-year orientation.
- Participate in mini-grant opportunities offered by NECPA when available

Demonstrating a commitment to data excellence by participating in all three NECPA Programs: :
- Year One College Behavior Profile
- College Behavior Profile
- Nebraska Assessment of College Health Behaviors (Biennial Survey)

Demonstrating a commitment to prevention excellence by participating in all NECPA-sponsored activities:
- Member institution representatives attend training/networking opportunities offered by NECPA (Conferences, workshops, Annual Statewide Convening, etc.)
- Offer NECPA-sponsored training to staff and student leaders (Brief Motivational Interviewing, Generation Rx, Bystander Intervention, etc.)
- Incorporate the Power of Parenting information into first-year orientation
- Participate in mini-grant opportunities offered by NECPA when available