About Us
NECPA’s main goals focus on harm reduction associated with alcohol use, alcohol-related problems, marijuana, prescription drugs, illicit and polysubstance use, suicide, sexual assault prevention, and addressing student well-being and mental health. Prevention professionals play a significant role in creating safer campuses and communities and achieving higher rates of student success and retention. Your institution can make an impact by joining NECPA members in actively implementing evidence-based prevention programming.
What can Alcohol & Drug Prevention Programming do for your campus?
Improve enrollment rates:
According to a study conducted by Vector Solutions, 82% of high school seniors...

Help your campus respond to negative press:
Negative press can be incredibly harmful to a university; damaging their reputatio...

Increase student retention and success:
According to Safe Supportive Learning, alcohol use can have a profound negativ...

Transform the value of higher education:
According to a whitepaper published by the Campus Prevention Network, a...

Being a part of NECPA has provided funding, support, and programming on a variety of topics that MCC may not have had for students before. Having a shared network with other colleges has given us a like-minded support system, and the opportunity to learn alternative ways to provide awareness/education on campus. As a community college, we tend to have fewer on-campus resources to offer students, so we truly appreciate the relationship we have with NECPA.
Llani Main

Our network of campus professionals works together to:

Implement programs that educate students about the importance of preventing and reducing high-risk drinking, cannabis use, and related harms.

Participate in ongoing professional development, collective networking, and training, and utilize available resources that help build supportive campus environments.

Promote Protective Behaviors
Provide students with resources that center on well-being and offer alternatives to alcohol-centered social activities through evidence-based strategies such as late-night programming.
2024 NACHB Data Highlights
Nebraska Resources
2024 NACHB Statewide Report
This report is an analysis of data from the 2024 administration of the Nebraska Assessment of College Health Behaviors (NACHB) survey to currently enrolled students at 23 member institutions of the NECPA. The NACHB survey is designed to assess students’ personal attitudes and behaviors related to alcohol, drugs, mental health issues, and personal violence (e.g., drinking, and sexual behaviors). The survey also helps understand individuals’ attitudes towards campus and community policies, other students’ behavior, and bystander interventions.
2023 Y1CBP Statewide Report
This report is an analysis of data from the 2020-2023 administrations of the Year 1 College Behavior Profile (Y1CBP) to entering first-year students across the state of Nebraska. The Y1CBP is a web-based survey designed as an alcohol prevention tool for delivery to the general student population and reflects their use and perceptions prior to their time on campus.
Nebraska DHHS Drug Overdose Prevention
The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services is focusing on prevention efforts to reduce drug overdoses including increasing awareness about Naloxone - what it is, how to access it, and how to administer the drug.
NECPA Social Norms Campaign
Social norms media campaigns aim to correct the misperceptions students have about peer behaviors and reinforce positive social norms. This is an evidence-based strategy utilized by institutions of higher education to address high-risk drinking and related harms. The NECPA utilizes data from the Y1CBP, NACHB, NEYAAOS, and other institutional-level data to run media campaigns targeting Nebraska college students.
National Resources
College Drinking Prevention
NIAAA's website for colleges, campus communities, and stakeholders to change the culture of drinking on college and university campuses across the country.
AIM Matrix
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism’s CollegeAIM was developed for higher education officials, particularly alcohol and other drug program and student life staff, who seek to address harmful and underage drinking among their students. CollegeAIM is intended to inform and guide officials as they choose interventions for their campus communities.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
The mission of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism is to generate and disseminate fundamental knowledge about the effects of alcohol on health and well-being and apply that knowledge to improve diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of alcohol- elated problems, including alcohol use disorder, across the lifespan.
Campus Drug Prevention Network
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is pleased to provide institutions of higher education and their surrounding communities with these resources to prevent drug misuse among college students. We are committed to promoting the importance of prevention and its role in helping ensure the health and safety of our nation’s college students.
Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS)
BASICS is a preventive intervention harm reduction approach for college students 18 to 24 years old. It targets students who drink alcohol heavily and have experienced or are at risk for alcohol-related problems such as poor class attendance, missed assignments, accidents, sexual assault, and violence. The program is designed to help students make better alcohol-use decisions based on a clear understanding of the genuine risks associated with problem drinking.
National Council for Mental Well-being
The National Council for Mental Wellbeing, in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), created a message guide and other tools to support youth-serving providers and other adults in their efforts to prevent youth substance use.
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment for Substance Use (SBIRT)
Clinician tools to help you screen patients for substance use and deliver a brief intervention.
CHOICES provides campuses with a brief, research-based, cost-effective, and easy-to-implement method for helping students reevaluate their choices around alcohol. The program engages students in self-reflection and discussion about facts, risks, and norms associated with alcohol while equipping them with the information, strategies, and skills to make wise decisions.
Prevention with a Purpose: Strategic Planning Guide
This guide is intended to bridge that gap, by providing a road map for university prevention professionals to collaborate with a wide range of stakeholders, from students to administrators, to address campus-wide drug misuse issues. The Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) acts as a “how to” for systematically measuring the scope of drug misuse issues, building relationships with key stakeholders, and planning and implementing drug misuse prevention efforts. Developed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the SPF is evidence-based, widely used, and easily adaptable for multiple health issues.
NASPA - Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education
NASPA is the professional home for the field of student affairs. NASPA is dedicated to fulfilling the promise of higher education through its guiding principles of Integrity, Innovation, Inclusion, and Inquiry. NASPA places students at the center of their work, serving the field through exceptional professional development, research to take on the biggest challenges, advocacy for inclusive and equitable practices and communities, and nurturing networks and pipelines to mentor, rejuvenate, and support.
Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery
The Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery provides colleges and universities the tools and resources to launch alcohol and drug misuse prevention and recovery programs on their campuses. The website offers resources for college students and their families, as college is an important time of transition for over 21 million young adults every year.
College Coalition on Substance misuse, Advocacy, and Prevention (CCSAP)
The College Coalition on Substance misuse, Advocacy, and Prevention (CCSAP) is a group of individuals involved with prevention programs at colleges and universities in Washington state who meet to discuss common issues and problems.
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
NIDA is the lead federal agency within the National Institute of Health (NIH) supporting scientific research on drug use and addiction.
SAMHSA Prevention Guide
This guide discusses effective prevention practices to mitigate risk factors associated with substance misuse and promote protective factors among all young adults generally; young adults at significantly higher risk for substance misuse; and young adults who are not diagnosed with a substance use disorder but are engaging in substance misuse.
Missouri Partners in Prevention
Partners in Prevention is Missouri's higher education substance misuse consortium dedicated to creating healthy and safe college campuses.
Prevention Action Alliance
Prevention Action Alliance offers several programs designed to assist healthy communities in the prevention of substance misuse and the promotion of mental health wellness.
Recovery Local
Recovery Local is an organization dedicated to furthering addiction awareness in order to promote easier access to recovery for those in need.
Cannabis Resource Center
The Cannabis Resource Center from the Getting Candid: Framing the Conversation Around Youth Substance Use Prevention Initiative provides facts and resources to have conversations with youth about cannabis.
Responsibility Grows here
Colorado's website is designed to help educate adults 21+ on marijuana laws, its effects, and how to use it responsibly and provide resources for adults on how to talk to the young people in their life about marijuana facts, its health effects, and the consequences of underage use.